閱讀暖身進入2015第3周,網路上充斥各式各樣今年的相關預測。但是人的行為難以預測,如何因應?向創新機構學習。進入本文之前,請先想想以下單字:A.經得起 B.龐然大物 C.墊腳石
The idea of trying to predict many forces shaping the future is like trying to predict a tsunami. Instead, your (1)best bet is to build the capabilities to (A)withstand it and-for truly great innovators-to surf it. The problem is not that we can't predict the basic technology. In fact, watching a few dozen TED talks and you'll have good grasp about future-tech inventory. But what we cannot predict is behavior─the evolution of behavior.
Behavior always takes us by surprise. It's why a McKinsey study in 1980 projected 900,000 cell phones would be in use by 2000. The actual number was just under 1 billion. That's no rounding error. It's a fundamental inability to understand how radically our changing behaviors shape the future. Twenty-seven years later, when the iPhone was introduced, pundits thought the market had peaked at 2.7 billion cell phones. But today, we are at 7 billion cell phones. Apple was building the future in the midst of a recession.
However, the uncertainty of changing behaviors is the best source of opportunities. And 2015 is an era of radical behavioral change. Hyper-connectivity is changing every aspect of how we live, work and play. Exceptional organizations at innovation get this and they deal with uncertainties differently. They are small and nimble, and leverage it in ways their (B)behemoth competitors can’t. And they end up shaping our behaviors in ways we’d never imagined. Here are three ways innovative organizations build the future.
First of all, the leader’s vision must extend beyond the organization’s fear. Leaders need to extend their vision while the market may be uncertain. These sorts of leaders are indeed (2)a rare breed, but they share the ability to build the behavior of the future rather than waiting for it to arrive.
Secondly, they accept that small failures will increase the overall rate of big success. These failures will be tolerated and used as (C)stepping-stones to the next experiment.
Thirdly, they create an ongoing process of future-focused planning along with clear organizational responsibility for innovation. While companies like Apple have baked innovation into their culture, the vast majority of companies have no capability or process for innovation. Think of how Kodak didn't do this with digital photography and you've got a great model of what not to do!