閱讀暖身想像一下,30年後,汽車會有什麼新功能與新樣貌?BMW正在為新車款配置SIM卡,讓汽車不僅能夠連線上網,還可以即時收到交通情報。賓士則推出在時速60公里以下讓汽車自動駕駛的精密裝置,為您省去開車時的勞心勞力。 智慧型汽車裝置的問世,將劇烈改變人與車之間的傳統關係。進入本文前,請先想想如何表達以下單字:A.躲避 B.自動駕駛車 C.危險
In a generation from now, your journey home may go a bit like this: As you leave your office, an empty car (1)rolls up. On the way home, you (2)let your hair down and have a good time, like listening to pleasant music or watching a television show. You barely notice as the car slows down or speeds up to (A)shun other vehicles. Your journey time is much faster, even though the traffic is heavier than in 2014.
Because of the rise of the “connected” car, the above scenario will sound realistic before long. The coming together of communication technologies, information systems and safety devices will provide vehicles with higher levels of sophistication and automation.
Several car manufacturers are (3)jumping on the (B)autonomous car bandwagon. Mercedes-Benz’s new “Intelligent Drive” package has a feature which, in congested traffic moving at less than 60 kph, allows the driver to let the car steer, brake and accelerate by itself. Audi, part of the Volkswagen group, is working on a system that would allow a driver to use his smartphone to instruct the vehicle to park itself.
By 2020, approximately a quarter of all cars will be online. BMW has been embedding SIM cards for mobile connectivity in all its new cars since April. By 2020, around 90% of all manufacturers’ new models are likely to have them, according to consulting firm Machina Research.
到了2020年,大約四分之一車輛皆能夠上網。今年4月起,BMW開始為新車款安裝SIM卡,使其具備行動連線能力。根據顧問公司Machina Research的說法,到了2020年,約9成車廠的新車款皆會配置SIM卡。
With increased connectivity between cars, driver aids will become much more sophisticated. A connected car would, for instance, receive not just information about a (C)hazard detected by its own sensors, but also alerts from a vehicle farther along the road. And better yet, there will be less need to have to own or drive these vehicles yourself.