現在是開創屬於自己的微型企業最好不過的時機──利用閒暇的時間開始,專心去做你真正喜歡做的事。只要不到 100 美元,你就可以幫自己規畫人生藍圖,創造屬於自己的未來。
The time has never been better to start your own microbusiness – a project you start in your spare time centered around the things you really like to do. For $100 or less, you can chart your own course and create your own future.
微型企業──沒有管銷費用、沒有職員的一人公司──打從人類有貿易活動以來,就存在的形式。現今微型企業不同的地方,在於今日的工具可以讓你接觸到更多潛在客戶。你現在可以用快速又省錢的方法測試、上市及擴大你的計畫,並大幅降低風險。用不了一個月,花不到 100 美元,你就可以把點子化為行動。
Microbusinesses – businesses run by one person with no overheads and no employees – have been around since the beginning of commerce. What’s new, however, is the fact today’s tools let you reach more potential customers than ever before. It’s now feasible to test, launch and scale your project quickly and cheaply, substantially reducing the risk. Going from idea to startup can take less than a month and $100 or less.
「貿易也許是很古老的東西沒錯,但擴充營業規模、接觸顧客,以及與客戶建立關係的方式已經起了翻天覆地的變化。從前打零工和修理東西的工人會在雜貨店張貼廣告,現在則會在 Google 上登廣告,讓搜尋『廚櫃安裝』的人能夠找到
【Key Thoughts】
“Commerce may have been around forever, but scale, reach, and connection have changed dramatically. The handyman who does odd jobs and repairs used to put up flyers at the grocery store; now he advertises through Google to people searching for “kitchen cabinet installation” in their city. It’s not an elitist club; it’s a middle-class, leaderless movement. All around the world, ordinary people are opting out of traditional employment and making their own way. Instead of fighting the system, they’re creating their own form of work—usually without much training, and almost always without much money. These unexpected entrepreneurs have turned their passion into profit while creating a more meaningful life for themselves. What if you could do this too? What if you could have the same freedom to set your own schedule and determine your own priorities? Good news: Freedom is possible. More good news: Freedom isn’t something to be envisioned in the vaguely distant
future—the future is now.”
– Chris Guillebeau