閱讀暖身有人說,在世界上發光發熱的人,35歲前都已掌握住了某些「訣竅」。而這些訣竅卻是30歲以前就開始累積的。暢銷書「傳說中的一流員工」、「30歲前,決定未來收入的90%」的作者土井英司說,30歲可稱為「最初也是最後的一年」,人生的分水嶺,淬鍊自我非要在30歲前完成。你怎麼想自己的30歲?看看前輩忠告前,先想想這些字用英文怎麼表達:A.鴻鵠之志 B.遷就 C.拖延
Your 30s are typically a time of settling down. The following is some wise advice from those who have already experienced their 30s.
1.They spend time with people who add value to their lives.
Stop spending time with those who don’t treat you well and instead spend more time with loved ones. “Don’t just work. Make memories. The older you get, the harder it is to make meaningful relationships,” writes Microsoft product designer Michael Bach.
不要再和不能善待你的人相處,而應花更多時間和所愛的人在一起。微軟產品設計師Michael Bach表示:「不要一味工作,而要創造回憶。年齡愈大,則愈難培養有深度的情誼。」
2.They pursue their (A)loftier aspirations
Twenty-something often (B)settle for a job they are not passionate about. Before they know it, a temporary job becomes a career. While it’s certainly more difficult to switch industries in your 30s, it’s not impossible and may be the right choice.
3.They don’t obsess about the future.
Author Mark Manson realized in his 20s that there is not a magical moment where you start feeling like an adult who has it all figured out. You cannot even anticipate your life 5 years into the future.
作家Mark Manson在20幾歲時就領悟到,並不會有那神奇的時刻-開始感覺自己如成人的恍然大悟。你甚至無法預知5年後的生活。
4.They decide whether they want kids or not.
Kids certainly are not for everyone, but (C)putting off having children for an ideal situation is a bad idea. If you want to have kids, have them before it’s too late. Kids are great. They make you better in every way.
5.They take care of their health.
Make exercise and healthy eating habits a priority. “Be healthy. That is priority 1. Don't get into your 30s being slow and tired all the time,” Bach writes on question-and-answer website Quora.
6.They establish a financial foundation for the future.
If you hit 30 and you’ve set nothing aside, it’s not too late to (1)start the ball rolling. By this point, you need to save up for your retirement. Determine first what percentage of your paycheck you can easily live without and put it away at a bank.
7.They still enjoy themselves.
And finally, just because you’re not in your 20s anymore doesn’t mean you need to stop having fun.(2)Bear in mind that none of the money you work hard to make matters if you are not enjoying life.